Dashboard's in Looker Studio interactive on your website

Written by Oriol Ribó | Jan 15, 2025 11:50:14 AM

As many of you may know, Looker Studio is a tool that allows you to create Dashboard's to visualize data from different sources.

In our LinkedIn and Blog you will find different tricks, updates and features about the platform and today we bring you a couple of somewhat special Looker tricks.

Link a url in an image

Looker has a feature that allows us to link to a url when we click on an image. And to set it up, we simply need to follow these 3 steps:

1- Inside a Dashboard, Go to "Insert/Insert" and at the bottom select "Image/Image."

2- Select where we want to paste the image, although later we can move and/or resize it. And select the image we want to insert in "Select a file/Selecciona un archivo."



3- And finally, we go to "Insert link/Insert link" and add the url we want:

As shown in the screenshot, we can choose whether we want the link to open in a new tab or in the current tab.

And there is also the option to open the link in a new tab.

In addition, there is also the possibility that instead of selecting a url, we can select a Page from the Dashboard itself, clicking on the hole we have to fill the link and selecting the page we want to direct.

Link the url's of a table

Another way for users to access the web from our Dashboard's is by creating a new field as follows:

1-We will create a table with dimension "Landing page" and the metric we want, in this case we will use "Views". 

2- As our goal is to be able to access the landings of the created table, we will create a new field in "Add dimension/Add dimension" and select "Add field/Add field".

3- Once there we will write the name of the field we want and add the following formula: HYPERLINK(CONCAT(Hostname,Landing page),Landing page). We'll hit "Apply" and we'll have our field created.


4- As we can see, to the right of the initial dimension we now have the same dimension of "Landing page" but with the possibility to redirect to the landings of our website. 

5-If we want, we can remove the initial dimension and thus only have the new field. In fact, it is not necessary to include from the beginning that first dimension and only creating a new field with the formula will already serve us.


<img src=" https:="""" hubfs="" 6010212="" imported_blog_media="" 12.png"="" width="904" height="508" loading="lazy" alt="12" style="height: auto; max-width: 100%; width: 904px;">

And so far, this is the first step of the article.

And this is the end of today's article, thank you very much for reading our blog and we hope you found it useful.