Looker Studio: Email Access Restriction Step by Step
Have you ever contemplated the idea of restricting access to certain data within your Looker Studio dashboard? In this article we'll explain how to limit access by using email filters, ensuring that only certain users have access to specific information.
Below you will discover an effective method to not only safeguard your information but also to customize the data viewing experience in a secure way.
1. Prepare the dataset
In case it does not already exist, the first step is to add a column with the email of each user. This column is essential for the subsequent filtering, as it is the one that indicates what data the user will have access to.
It is very important to add a column with the email of each user.
It is very important that the corres used are Google accounts, either personal or corporate. If this is not the case, the users will not be able to log in when accessing the dashboard and will not have access.
2. Configure in Looker Studio
The next step is to connect the dataset to lookerstudio. First we select the Google connection, look for the document we want to connect and add it:
Once added we only need to configure the filter by email. To do this we have to look for the option "Resource" (or "recurso", in case you have it in Spanish) and select the first option from the dropdown (manage added data sources).
We have to configure the filter by email.
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Once inside, we select the edit option, and the following tab will be opened:
Now we access the "filter by email" option, which is located at the top left and, once inside, check the box to enable the filter.
The last step is to select the dimension that contains the email. In this case it is the "email" column. Now we can close the tab by clicking the "Finish" button at the top right and the filter will be applied.
The last step is to select the dimension containing the email.
Next we see the result. First of all the table we had before applying the filter by email:
Second, the table resulting from restricting access:
3. Share the dashboard
Now we only have the last step left, share the report to the respective users so that they can access it.
Restricting access to a Looker Studio dashboard by using email filters is an effective and secure strategy to ensure that only authorized users can access specific information. This method not only protects sensitive data, but also personalizes the experience for each user, showing them only relevant data.
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